An investment
that changes a life

Your money can help give a home and support to people who are homeless,
whilst you earn a return.

Put your money to good work

Imagine lending some of your savings to Green Pastures, to help provide a home for someone who is homeless. Then after a set time (that you choose) your money is repayable - with interest, having been used to help change someone’s life.

We use invested funds to buy properties used by local projects to provide a secure home and compassionate wraparound support for people in need. 

You can invest from £1000, for one or more years and choose to earn interest of up to 5% annually. On average, every £30,000 invested helps us house someone in need. Investments with Green Pastures are unsecured.


Investment Return Calculator

3 years

Based on these figures, you would earn £7,200 in total while helping to provide a home for 1 person experiencing homelessness

Invest with Green Pastures

How it works


Request an application form below

This includes all the information and details about our loan stock scheme and investing with Green Pastures.


Choose your investment term and interest rate

A longer term and lower interest rate allows us to house and support more people.


Earn a return and help transform lives

We will put your money to good work, buying and developing properties to be used by local projects providing homes and support to people in need. 


Investors across the UK and beyond


Currently invested


Years housing the homeless


People currently housed

“We want to save money for the future with a good rate of interest and we are thrilled that there is a way to do this that invests in such a brilliant work for good."
Catherine East

Investment FAQ

What is ‘loan stock’?

When investing in Green Pastures, Investors buy unsecured ‘loan stock’ - which is in effect a receipt acknowledging your loan to Green Pastures. Loan stock earns interest at the rate that you choose, and is repayable to you at the date you choose when you invest.

What does ‘unsecured’ mean?

We offer unsecured loan stock, which means that your investment is not secured by a specific asset, such as property, to guarantee that the investment will be repaid.

What does ‘ethical investing’ mean?

Ethical investing, also known as socially responsible investing or sustainable investing, is the practice of investing in companies that are considered to have a positive impact on society and the environment, while avoiding companies that are seen as having a negative impact. This type of investing takes into account not only financial returns, but also the social and environmental impact of the companies in which an investor is considering investing.

What is the social impact of my investment?

Unlike putting your money into a bank or other standard investment, Green Pastures exists to house and support the homeless, and so your investment is put to good work making our work possible. Investors in Green Pastures are vital to our overall funding and enable our work to continue and grow. Without investors purchasing loan stock, we are unable to grow to house more people or maintain our existing portfolio of properties. We currently house around 1500 people, and in the financial year ending 31st March 2025, we aim to continue to grow, with a pipeline of property purchases to help more people in need.

How does Green Pastures use invested funds?

We use the proceeds of unsecured loan stock issued to buy properties (existing or new builds) to house the homeless. Green Pastures (GP CBS) may also lend funds to special-purpose subsidiary companies for property development purposes. We aim to hold up to 20% of capital raised from loan stock in liquid assets in the form of cash deposits or secured loans to third parties repayable within six months or otherwise available by way of an overdraft facility. The purpose of liquidity is to provide flexibility in cash management, in particular, to enable the company to move quickly as opportunities arise, and to meet loan stock repayments when due. We may also use funds to invest in income-generating commercial properties, arm’s length residential properties or equity investments to generate income. Such income sustains expansion activities and builds our capital base, necessary as the balance sheet grows. Property investments also have an insurance element in that they can be sold without disrupting our core business.

How can Green Pastures pay up to 5% interest?

Green Pastures’ financial model is based on purchasing property for local Partners, who provide homes and support for the homeless. Green Pastures leases properties to Partners who run properties, receive rental income from tenants (who usually access Enhanced Housing Benefit payments) and Partners pay a lease to Green Pastures. As an indicative example, we would aim to see an annual rental income of a minimum of 9%* of the total outlay of each property (purchase price, legal fees and upgrades). Before purchasing a property, Green Pastures will check that rental income is available through Housing Benefit (or alternative sustainable funding) before proceeding with any property purchase. *Breakdown of the 9%: Capital & Investor Interest Payments 5%, Operational Costs 2.5%, Maintenance & Insurance 1%, Write-Offs 0.5%.

What is a ‘Community Benefit Society’?

Green Pastures is a Community Benefit Society (CBS), which is an incorporated Industrial and Provident Society (IPS) that conducts business for the benefit of its community. Profits are not distributed among members, or external shareholders, but returned to the community. The purpose of a community benefit society is to serve the broader interests of the community, in contrast to co-operative societies that serve the interests of members. The FCA states that “the conduct of a community benefit society’s business must be entirely for the benefit of the community.” There can be no alternative or secondary purposes, including any that may preferentially benefit the members. The rules governing Green Pastures CBS Ltd can be found here.

Find our full list of FAQ’s and read more about investing with Green Pastures, including our full terms, conditions and regulatory information here.

Green Pastures Accounts >

Green Pastures CBS Limited audited accounts are available here: 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24. Green Pastures CBS Limited is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. You can find Green Pastures CBS Ltd on the FCA search website

Governance & Transparency >

Green Pastures is a Community Benefit Society (CBS), which is an Exempt Charity registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The rules governing Green Pastures CBS Ltd can be found here. Green Pastures CBS issues unsecured loan stock to investors. We are not a bank, and therefore cannot be part of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Green Pastures’ accounts are audited and copies are available here or on request. Our Non-executive Directors meet at least twice a year with the Executive Directors. Two of our Non-executive Directors were chosen by our Investors. You can meet our Directors here. Green Pastures regularly visits all partner organisations to support and monitor their activity.

Your money can help change lives and help end homelessness,

it’s that simple.

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