6 ways to be a good steward of your money in the current climate
Great principles that work

Everything we have comes from the Lord. As Christians, it's our responsibility is to steward what money we have well, managing our financial resources in a way that glorifies God. In the economic climate we find ourselves in, with the cost of living crisis, it’s more important than ever that we make wise choices and apply kingdom principles. There are incredible benefits to both you and others as you apply these principles in you life!
Here are six practical ways to be a good steward of your money:
1. Budget: Create a budget to help you manage your money effectively. You might like to work it out on a spreadsheet or on paper, but do something that makes sense to you and stick to it! If you are married or share financial decisions, bills and accounts, come up with a plan together and make a commitment to work together on it. Make sure to include expenses such as tithing, savings/investments, and charitable giving even during times when it’s difficult to do so. This leads us into the next way...
2. Give generously: Everything we have comes from God. Be intentional about giving a portion of your income back to him, by giving to your church, charities, and other people you want to bless. God is generous! When we give generously, not only are you being a blessing, but you are sowing seeds that will reap a harvest. The principle of tithing is such a great place to start, it guards our heart against greed, it shows our trust in God to provide for us and is the only thing the Bible says we can test God in. When we seek God's Kingdom first above our own interests, God says that he will give us all we need, he will take care of us.
3. Avoid debt: Learn to live within your means and avoid taking on unnecessary debt. This can seem difficult when everything is getting more and more expensive, however if you are doing the first 2 steps, this step should be a little easier. If you do have debt, make a plan to pay it off as soon as possible. By managing your money well and avoiding debt, you can reduce financial stress and have greater peace of mind. If you are experiencing difficulties because of debt, there are some great organisations set up specifically to help, such as Christians Against Poverty (CAP). They can come alongside you, organise a specialised plan and they also have some great teaching courses to help you have tools to manage what you have effectively. If you are struggling with buying food for yourself or your family, check out the local foodbanks in your area. They are set up to assist you through a difficult season and can be a great place for help. You can always give back to the foodbank in the future when you're able and pay it forward!
4. Save for the future: Wherever possible, set aside money in a savings account or retirement/investment fund to prepare for unexpected expenses and to ensure financial security in the future. Even if it's a small amount, anything you can set aside will build up and make a difference to you. For reoccurring bills like insurances, if you can save up through the year and then pay it off in one lump sum at renewal, you will not have to pay interest and actually save yourself some money.
5. Seek wise counsel: You may be in a situation where you have some money saved and it's not achieving its full potential for you or others. Seek advice from trusted Christian financial advisors or mentors who can provide guidance on financial planning and decision-making. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Ask God in prayer what you should do with your money and how to use it best. God is the best advisor there is!
6. Prioritise God's kingdom: Remember that your resources ultimately belong to God, and prioritise His kingdom in your financial decisions, whether big or small. Ask yourself how your money can be used to further God's purposes and bring glory to Him. You will live a life of purpose and meaning, using your resources to further His kingdom, knowing he is your provider and that you can be part of extending the generous heart of God everywhere you go.
Being a good steward of your money requires intentionality, discipline, and a commitment to aligning your financial decisions with God's principles. By managing your money well, you will honour God, live in peace that he will take care of you, bless others, and make a positive impact in the world around you.
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