Blog: BBC Article "Supported housing system a living nightmare", our response
"Desperate people need more than just a safe, stable and supportive place to live."

"Supported housing system a living nightmare"ç
The BBC recently wrote an article highlighting the stories from some of the worst landlords in Birmingham, with the headline úSupported housing system a living nightmareù. It is deeply troubling when you hear about residents who have been left to live in the most extremely difficult and fearful environments, that no one is listening and the cry for help is ignored. Surely, at the very least, desperate people need more than just a safe, stable and supportive place to live. We believe this is the absolute minimum that vulnerable people who are in need of supported accommodation should be given.
Birmingham City Council identified that some supported housing landlords were útrapping some of the most vulnerable people in some of the poorest accommodation with inadequate support.ù As a result they have produced a Charter of Rights that is a good benchmark guide for best practice in supported housing. It's intention is to weed out rogue landlords and the ensuing horrific stories from residents who deserve better. Since the report was published, all local authorities have tightened up on their process for recognising exempt accommodation òsupported housing'. We believe that integrity, passion and love needs to drive providers. We need more homes of excellence and what better people than the Church to provide help and a place to belong.
Green Pastures' partners are committed to providing excellent supported housing. No organisation can become a partner without going through a thoughtful process of preparation and vetting. Our partners provide safe places for many different people, whether it be women fleeing from domestic violence, those in recovery from addictions, prison leavers, care leavers, refugees, those suffering with mental health problems, those whose circumstances changed, and many other situations where people end up without a home to call their own. Love is our key driver and through our partnerships we work to see residents thrive and move on into their own successful independent homes, holding down work and having their own family.
We are committed to helping our partners to provide environments of hope and change, homes of excellence where people can flourish. We work tirelessly with our partners to ensure residents receive the best possible experience of care, support or supervision.
If you believe residents deserve the best care and would like to provide exemplary supported accommodation we'd love to hear from you and support you in your vision.
Please contact us at and we will get in touch to talk through how we will help you get set up for success.