One thing you can't afford to forget this Christmas Season
Put this right to the top of the list.

38 Days until Christmas!
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Or are you more of a Christmas Eve person?
I usually start thinking about Christmas gifts early, agonizing over what to get whilst my brother has always left it until the last minute. When we were younger, he'd casually go out on Christmas Eve after work and get all his gifts in one go, which he'd also somehow convince our sister to wrap for him!
However you roll at Christmas, it's a time when we start thinking about showing our nearest and dearest how much they mean to us, often buying gifts, showing love and care. With all the feasting, presents and festivities, it's also a traditional time to extend generosity to people who are less fortunate and for this, you don't need to look very far.
There are many charities all around who are grateful to receive support. It might be a local food bank, night shelter, women's refuge, children's hospital or another charity close to your heart. You might never get to see the full impact of your generosity, but many people depend on the support these charities provide. Being able to help people in need, that's a precious gift all in itself. The wonderful thing about this, is it doesn't matter how much you have to give, but that you are generous with what you have. Generosity is a heart condition, so whether it be a can of beans or something more, we can all be part of giving if we choose. As we are generous with what we have, we show others the heart of the Father, God who is the most generous, who sent his own son, Jesus for us.
Maybe people are beginning to ask you what you want for Christmas. As I get older, this question turns into more of a struggle to answer! But don't worry, I have a novel idea for you to ponder. Would you consider a different sort of gift? If you make an investment with Green Pastures, it will help provide homes for the homeless. This time next year you would have accumulated a years worth of interest payments and you would have helped to create a new destiny for someone who's in desperate need today.
Whatever way you decide to celebrate Christmas this year, be encouraged that "whatever you keep is all you have, but whatever you give, God multiplies". May you experience the joy of giving and the blessing of receiving this Christmas season.