Pride of GP Award Winners
The winners are so deserving. Look at all they did!

We are proud to present our first place winners for the Christmas Resident Pride of GP Award.
We were amazed as we read the following nomination from Julie, Project Manager GP Direct Sunderland. What superstars!
"These three men have stepped up with encouragement from volunteer Tom and have transformed the newly purchased house for more residents. Nothing has been too hard for them to do. Then they took it on themselves to deal with the storm damaged fence from last year at and dug out concrete, soil and all sorts for a huge run of fence. Then worked out what was needed to do the job and rebuilt the fence. Amazing! Then not resting they were all so excited to get started on our house number 3 and have been working really hard in clearing a huge amount of rubbish and furniture left behind and are chomping at the bit to get started decorating, plastering and preparing that house for our new residents. So I give you Christopher, Neville and Matthew."
Huge thanks and congratulations to Christopher, Neville and Matthew! We appreciate you and we honour you.
(Photograph: Matthew and Neville)