Resident Story - Vince
In a drug haze for 35 years, Vince has turned his life around.

"I was in a drug haze for 35 years and am now doing really well on my new journey. I am very proud of myself for where I am now."
Vince has recently walked 138 miles to raise money for our partners Mulberry Community Project. Here's some of Vince's story...
I've now been with Mulberry Community Project for over 2 years. I am a recovering drug addict. I started taking substances as a child, didn’t really feel like I fitted in anywhere. When I was under the influence, I didn’t have to be myself or be in my own head. I have been a drug user for over 30 years.
As a teen I started committing crime, petty crime, stealing from cars, burglaries, stealing bikes. At 16 I ended up in young offenders. I have been in and out of prison ever since. I didn’t like the person I was, no confidence, very insecure. I've lost every relationship and job because of drug use. I didn't see my 2 children and my marriage spilt up. I was on a merry go round that I couldn’t get off.
About 3 years ago somebody from drug services in the prison came and spoke to me about recovery. I got accepted into Mulberry when I still had a year left on my prison sentence. I was meant to be getting parole but relapsed and lost it. I was fearful that I'd messed up and wouldn’t be accepted. I spoke to Mulberry, and they said to keep clean and I'd still have my space. I got released and moved straight in.
Normally I would relapse straight away, straight back into the chaos but I jumped into everything at Mulberry with both feet. Met loads of people in recovery, listened to everything, took on suggestions. Mulberry's given me a secure home, support and somewhere I can be safe and not worry about anything.
I now go to college, have completed a mental health awareness course and a counselling course as well as DANOS Level 3 in Lived Experience of Substance Misuse Practitioner. I'm working part time at a local charity and trying to be the best version of myself. I was in a drug haze for 35 years and am now doing really well on my new journey. I am very proud of myself for where I am now.
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