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Housing Benefit
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English Occupancy Documents
Our Occupancy document templates for you to use if you house residents in England.
Letter to HB: Info about your Supported Housing
Use our template letter to successfully communicate with Housing Benefit about your project.
Northern Irish Occupancy Documents
Our Occupancy document templates for you to use if you house residents in Northern Ireland.
Rent Sheet Completion & Communication with Housing Benefit
Check out our guidance on completing your Rent Sheet and communicating effectively with your Housing Benefit department.
Resident Letter of Authorisation
Download our template letter to get authorisation for you to speak to the Housing Benefit department on resident's behalf.
Resident Letter: Asking HB to pay Landlord
Download our template letter so that your residents can ask the Housing Benefit department to pay you, their landlord, directly.
Scottish Occupancy Documents
Our Occupancy document templates for you to use if you house residents in Scotland.
Welsh Occupancy Documents
Our Occupancy document templates for you to use if you house residents in Wales.
What is Exempt Accommodation?
Getting a good understanding of Exempt Accommodation is key to success - this guidance gives you the information you need to know.