Benefits of Working with Us
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Find out why it's so good to work with Green Pastures! Over the last 20+ years we've built up a wealth of experience through working with many organisations (just like yours!) and this has led to loads of benefits of working with us to house the homeless.
Why should you Partner with us?
We love that we get the privilege of partnering with you - to dream big as you flesh out what your unique vision is going to look like; to equip you with the training and finance that you need to get your project up and running; and to walk with you through all the highs and lows of housing and supporting the most needy in our society.
Over the last 20+ years, we’ve built a wealth of experience through working with many organisations like yours. The key is that we’re all about releasing you and your specific project, and the experience we’ve gained allows us to offer guidance and wisdom (at least, sometimes) along your journey. This is the main benefit of partnering with us - it’s partnership in the truest sense of the word! We work together, rejoicing together and weeping together, to see homelessness become a thing of the past.
Let's look at the benefits
It's Your Project
As mentioned, we love to release you to fulfil your team’s vision for your project. You make the decisions and you manage the project, we exist to support and guide you along the way.
It's Your House
Even though we provide the finance to purchase the house, you’re free to do cosmetic alterations without worrying about whether your Landlord (us!) will take issue. We’ll make sure the house gets the upgrades required before you first place your residents, and then we’ll work with you on any further improvements or modifications that you’d like to make going forward. We can’t always promise we’ll be able to do everything, but we’re always willing to hear your ideas!
We're in it for the Long Term
As far as we’re concerned, the property is yours for the next 100 years if you want it! We believe God has called each organisation that we Partner with to make a significant, long-lasting impact.
Organisational Security
Our financial model is established and secure, so you can be confident in the future of Green Pastures, giving you long-term stability.
It's Affordable and Sustainable
We’ll only ever buy a property where we know that the income that you receive from your residents will cover our costs. The rental income will come via Housing Benefit, so you won’t be out of pocket. Even if you drop down to 85% Occupancy (i.e., only 85% of your available beds are filled), you’ll still be able to afford the lease because the money you get from Housing Benefit will include a protection to cover the cost of 15%* of the total rent for voids (empty beds) and bad debt (when a resident owes you money and you won’t be able to recover it).
*Please note, there are some circumstances when we reduce the protection to cover the cost of 10% of the total rent if we need to find a way to make property in more expensive areas more affordable.
We Provide the Paperwork and the Training
Navigating the world of Housing Benefit and Exempt Accommodation can be tricky, and providing support to residents requires a comprehensive way to keep track of their progress and transformation. We provide all the paperwork and training that you’ll need to make the process as easy as possible.
Free Consultancy!
We’re able to build in the cost of any expert advice regarding Housing Benefit that you may require into your rent sheet. Your rent sheet contains the items that you submit to Housing Benefit for them to cover the cost, and this expert advice is listed as Professional Fees. This means Housing Benefit covers the cost, and you get free expert consultancy.
Scaling Up
We’ve built up experience of how to effectively scale a project, and we’ll work with you to buy more properties in the future to increase your portfolio and multiply your impact and complete your dream.
We're One Body
You get the benefit of being part of a network of like-minded organisations, all committed to housing the homeless and being God’s hands and feet on earth. We’ll connect you with other Partners in your area so that you can support one another, and we’ll gather everyone together once a year for our Annual Conference!
We don't like to brag, but...
Through God's guidance and the experiences we've been through, we:
- Have built a strong Christian ethos and culture that filters down throughout our team
- Are passionate and determined to end homelessness in our nation
- Can be flexible and nimble, working with you to find solutions that work for your project
- Work with a personal touch - we genuinely care about each individual Partner and will tailor our approach to each of you
- Are resolute. We've walked through many challenges over the years with Partners and its taught us to remain tenacious and trust in God
- Have an incredible network of Investors who support and champion your work, both financially and spiritually
- Have an amazing team, with lots of expertise to help you on every step of your journey