Insurance Guidance
Getting the right insurance means you can rest easy knowing you and your project are properly covered. Take a look at our recommended insurance here.
Partner’s Responsibility
- Please Note: It is your responsibility to make sure that you have all the relevant and necessary insurances in place. We can recommend the covers below, but it is important that you speak to your broker to check whether there is any extra cover you may require.
- We recommend that you take out at least the following insurances:
- Employer’s Liability
- This covers you against any accident that your employees might suffer in the course of their work.
- This is the only liability that is a legal requirement
- Public & Products Liability
- This covers you on claims made against your business from the general public. For example, if a member of the public injures themselves on your premises. If you produce any products, products liability protects you from any harm your products may inadvertently cause.
- Contents Insurance
- This covers the contents of your properties if they get damaged or stolen etc.
- Employer’s Liability
- You should add the costs of these insurances to your rent sheets as they are eligible to be paid for by Housing Benefit.
- A good insurance broker will be able to advise on recommended covers as well as getting you value for money. Cheapest may not always be best: read the small print very carefully! You also want a broker who will handle any claim efficiently.
FAQs on Your Responsibility
- How much should we aim to pay for the cover?
Difficult to say because so much depends on the size of the property, its location and contents value and your number of employees. - What level of cover should we take out?
Speak to your broker (we list some below who have helped us) for their advice. Generally, we would advise:
- Employer’s Liability - £10 million
- Public and Product Liability - £5 million
- Contents Insurance - You need to calculate the amount to replace all contents in the case of damage or loss. Most policies will offer new for old.
- Be aware of “average” if you under-insure. For example, if you insure something worth £1,000 for £500 and there is a claim, whether for total or partial loss, the insurer will pay only half your claim because you are deemed to have self-insured 50%. - Can I take out any other cover?
You can choose to take out any extra cover where you see fit. You should check that any cover you take out is covered under Exempt Accommodation by Housing Benefit unless you are willing to pay for it yourself. - Can I add this insurance cover to our other existing policies, or does it have to be separated?
Yes. It’s best to have one bundle of cover arranged by one broker. Be aware that policies often contain a clause enabling the insurer to avoid paying if there is duplicate cover. - Will our current insurance policy cover this insurance needed for the house?
It may do. Please call your insurance provider to ask. - Can we accept a resident with a conviction for arson under the terms of our insurance?
Yes if this conviction is spent under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. It would be illegal for the insurance company not to accept this if it is spent.
Green Pastures’ Responsibility
- GP pays for Building Insurance on the day of completion:
- This covers us against damage to the property due to fire, flood and other risks.
- Within this insurance is an element of Public Liability which covers any circumstance that affects the general public related to the property. For example, if a roof tile falls off and injures a member of the public.
- GP purchases Property Owner’s Insurance on the day of completion:
- This covers us against claims made by third-parties for personal injury or property damage that relate to the ownership of the property. For example, if the carpets aren’t fixed correctly and someone trips and falls.
- Please Note: These insurances are also eligible to be paid for by Housing Benefit. You will add the cost of these insurances onto your rent sheet and reimburse Green Pastures each month for the cost of these insurances with the money that Housing Benefit pays you.
- Important note: Residents are not covered in the circumstances of a normal accident that is not the fault of the Property Owner. Residents are also not covered if they intentionally inflict damage on the property, for example staining the carpet, breaking a window or flooding a room. In this circumstance, the Resident should pay for the damage or you may add it to your rent sheet under ‘Maintenance and Repairs’. This is the kind of risk you should discuss with your insurance broker because if a resident were to be injured as a result of something that you had installed or provided being faulty, you would be liable.
Conversation if Adding to an Existing Policy
- Existing Charity insurance
- You are simply calling to add this cover to your existing cover. Inform the insurance company that you will be operating a supported housing project and that you are leasing the property. Do use a broker if you are unsure what the insurer is covering or not covering.
Conversation with Broker if a Brand-New Policy
- Inform the Insurance company/broker that you will be operating a supported housing project and that you are leasing the property.
Example Brokers Based on Our Experience
Brunel Insurance
3 Temple Quay,
Temple Back East,
Luke Woodall
+44 (0) 117 325 2224
Access Insurance
Selsdon House,
212-220 Addington Road,
South Croydon,
Justin Temple
Caleb Funnel
020 8651 7420
Kingdom Bank
Executive Kingdom Bank Ltd.,
Ruddington Field Business Park,
Mere Way,
NG11 6JS
Alison Maiden
0115 921 7270
Making a buildings insurance claim:
First of all, please notify immediately of any incident that could result in a claim (even if your initially not sure). Give us as much detail as possible regarding what happened and what the damage is.
- Please take photos and/or videos of the damage. Get as clear a picture of the incident as possible so we can advise our insurers of the full extent of any damage.
- Initial measures to prevent further damage, and make the property safe:
This will be different depending on the incident, some examples may be:
- In the case of a burst pipe, instruct a plumber to stop the leak.
- If the property has water damage or fire damage (potentially other) and the residents are still living in the property, the electrics should be checked to ensure they are safe.
This list is in no way exhaustive, but the property should be made safe, and necessary measures should be taken to ensure the damage does not get any worse. - Our policy excess is £1,000. For an incident that you believe could be rectified for less than this, do contact Green Pastures (admin@) to discuss.
- We will notify our insurer immediately regarding the claim, and we should get instructions quickly regarding next steps. These steps will be determined on a case-by-case basis and should guide us through the rest of the process.
- Our insurer will possibly want to send a loss adjuster to view the damage, this will depend on the extent.
- Please do discuss with your Partnership Manager if you have any concerns, or would like any further guidance.
Example Quotes
Example 1: Communication with Access Insurance
Date: 09/01/19
Subject: Charity Insurance Quotation
Dear J
As per your recent request, please see below and attached our refreshed quotation. If there is anything else I can do for you please let me know.
Charity Insurance Quotation
Following our telephone conversation, please find attached and below your charity insurance quotation.
Demands and Needs Statement:
We are dealing with you as a commercial customer. We have noted your requirements for your organisation.
The type of cover selected was for:
Public & Products Liability at £5,000,000 (including property owner’s liability) Employer’s liability at £10,000,000
Executive risks (trustees’ indemnity) at £100,000
The insurer is a specialist in the charity field and provides cover to meet your requirements as selected by you.
Premium and Terms:
Please find attached the policy brochure and our Terms of Business.
The Insurer is: Aviva Insurance Limited via CaSE Insurance
The Product reference is: Sep1835
Cover: As per attached quotation, policy summary or brochure
Restrictions: As per attached quotation, policy summary or brochure
Premium: £805.94 Including Insurance Premium Tax and the insurer fee of £35.00 and our broker fee of £30.00.
- Please can I also draw your attention towards the business description on page 10/17 of the quotation document.
- Please can I draw your attention towards the endorsement on page 8/17 of the quotation attached.
Should you decide to accept this policy, please can you confirm your start date and your preferred method of payment. You can pay by cheque, BACS, debit card, credit card or via direct debit (please ask for more details).
Access Insurance is committed to providing you with a high level of service and professional advice on your insurance needs. Please read more about us here which highlights why you should choose Access Insurance Services.
The following paragraphs are required by regulation and are important:
- It is your responsibility to provide complete and accurate information to insurers when you take out your insurance policy, throughout the life of your policy and when you renew your insurance.
- It is important that you ensure that all statements you make on proposal forms, claim forms and other documents are full and accurate. Please note that if you fail to disclose any material information to your insurers, this could invalidate your cover, and could mean that part or all of a claim may not be paid.
- Setting sums insured: Contents: the replacement cost as new. Buildings: the cost of rebuilding. It is your responsibility to ensure that the sums insured are adequate and we can offer no advice as to the adequacy of sums insured. Insurance companies apply an ‘average clause’ for property and contents that are underinsured. This means that if the building is underinsured by a certain percentage (let’s say 50%), then you will only receive 50% of the claim. This applies to all claims to your contents and property regardless of size i.e. small or a total loss. It is therefore vital that the correct sum insured is disclosed at the start of policy to ensure you are covered adequately.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries or if you wish to go ahead with the quote.
We look forward to welcoming you as a new customer.
Yours sincerely,
Insurance Broker
Example 2: Communication with Kingdom Bank
Date: 05/02/19
Subject: RE: Your Case Insurance Quote Reference
Dear J,
Aqmen have reissued their quotation on the basis that you are now managing a client in leased accommodation. Cover is provided by Aviva Insurance Limited and others via CaSE insurance. The quotation is attached together with the Summary of Cover, Policy Wording and our Terms of Business. You are encouraged to read these to ensure that the quotation meets your needs and that you understand the terms, conditions and policy exceptions.
The premium has been rated on the understanding that the accommodation within Flat 2 is for 1 person and 1 person only at any one time. If there is an increase in the number of service users within the accommodation the insurer will need to recalculate for this,
The annual premium inclusive of Insurance Premium Tax at 12% and the insurer fee of £35 is £549.08.
Cover includes:
Business Interruption: Loss of Revenue £50,000 over 12 months
Employer’s Liability at limit of indemnity £10 million
Public and Product Liability at limit of indemnity £5 million
Legal Expenses £100,000
There is no cover for subsidence and terrorism is not included.
There is no cover for any contents at the flat and no cover for any other belongings which O may have.
Other covers are available – these show as Not Insured on the quotation. Please also refer to the Summary of Cover.
The quotation is based on the Underwriting Information and Statement of Facts which begin on page 10 of the quotation so please ensure the details are accurate.
We can proceed with cover upon receipt of your written instruction. Payment may be made in full by BACS or cheque payable to Kingdom Bank Ltd or over the phone by credit or debit card, or by ten direct debit installments arranged through Kingdom Bank’s credit facility with Premium Credit Ltd (PCL). The finance charge for the direct debit installments is 6.5% of the premium. We will invoice you with payment details if you decide to go ahead.
Do please come back to me with any questions.
Kind Regards,
Account Executive