What is Support & Housing Management
Topics Covered
The service you provide to your residents falls into two categories, Housing Management and Resident Support. This page talks you through what each of these services entail.
Housing Management Services are provided by the Housing Manager, the Administrator and/or Administration Team and involves delivering a comprehensive landlord service related to the property.
Resident Support Services are provided by the Resident Support Team, who you may refer to as coaches, mentors, befrienders, carers, time-givers or skill-givers.
Housing Management
Housing Benefit
As a property related service Housing Management is an eligible cost where residents are claiming Housing Benefit under the regulations for exempt accommodation. Some hours of Housing Management should be included in the rent sheet submitted to your Housing Benefit Department. This is because Housing Benefit is a property related benefit.
Resident Support Services are not an eligible cost and no income received from housing benefit can be used to fund any form of resident support. However, you must be able to evidence that your residents are receiving care, support or supervision.
Housing Management Services
There are ten activities that constitute Housing Management services:
- Void control
- Rent collection
- Accounting
- Arrears recovery
- Responsive repairs
- Major repairs
- Cyclical repairs
- Estate management
- Occupancy management
- Occupant participation
These ten categories have been divided into seven main headings with examples of the type of activities found under each heading.
In addition to direct service delivery, housing management service charges cover time spent on the facilitation of services. This includes:
- Management and administrative time.
- Time spent in ensuring that staff are provided with adequate support and training to enable them to provide the service.
- On costs e.g., the cost of staff training, travel cosrs, and other administrative costs.
Void Control
- Receive occupancy applications and manage the property viewing.
- Selection of occupants ensuring that good practice and equality of opportunity is followed.
- Issue occupancy offers and ensure they are completed properly.
- Maintain waiting lists and ensure that voids are kept to a minimum.
- Manage vacancy generation and occupancy termination.
- Inspect empty dwellings and specify repair works needing to be carried out.
- Arrange for repairs of empty dwellings and manage repairs contractors.
Rent Collection
- Where required, collect, record and bank rent and service charges.
- Monitor payment of rent and service charges.
- Ensure that Housing Benefit claim forms have been correctly completed to ensure prompt payment of rent by occupants.
- Gather any data and budgetary information requested for the reviewing and setting of annual rent levels.
- Liaise with the Housing Benefit department to ensure prompt payment of rent by the occupant.
Accounting and Arrears Recovery
- Ensure that rent and service charge arrears are collected.
- Monitor non-payment of rent and take relevant action on arrears.
- Liaise with the Housing Benefit department to ensure that rent arrears do not accrue on the occupant’s part.
- Provide general advice to occupants regarding benefit entitlement to minimise the risk of rent arrears.
Responsive, Major and Cyclical Repairs
- Inspection and reporting of day-to-day repairs and estate maintenance.
- Ensure repairs and estate maintenance issues are identified and appropriate action agreed and implemented with Trustee approval.
- Plan cyclical maintenance tasks including obtaining quotes and liaising with contractors.
- Monitor progress on repairs and supervise work to be done.
- Ensure agreed repairs and maintenance are carried out promptly and to a high standard.
Estate Management
- Ensure that the dwelling (including the curtilage) is kept in a clan and tidy condition (inside and out).
- Monitor the provision of housing services such as heating, provision of furniture, etc..
- Purchase of replacement household items.
- Maintain common areas, including litter picking, removing graffiti and refuse disposal.
- Patrol the dwelling and curtilage, reporting repairs and discourage crime and anti-social behaviour.
- Carry out risk assessments and hazard reporting relating to the property and its curtilage in line with health and safety policy and procedures.
- Ensure that fire and other equipment is regularly serviced, tested and complies with health and safety requirements.
- Liaise with relevant authorities and Trustees/Directors to ensure that all aspects of health and safety are implemented, including ensuring that fire drills are carried out as required.
- Ensure the property is maintained in a secure condition, conducting regular checks on the property and undertaking and securing outside doors.
Occupancy Management
- Ensure occupants understand their occupancy agreement, their rights and obligations.
- Ensure occupants comply with the terms of their occupancy.
- Ensure all breaches of the occupancy are investigated and appropriate action is taken.
- Oversee the administration and maintenance of occupancy agreements providing information and advice on occupancy issues as they arise.
- Assist with the administration and maintenance of occupancy agreements providing information and advice on occupancy issues as they arise.
- Action any failures regarding occupancy compliance in cases where an eviction/termination notice is proposed against an occupant.
- Provide reports on occupancy compliance to the relevant staff member in cases where an eviction/termination notice is proposed against an occupant.
- Regarding property management functions, liaise and jointly work with external agencies as required i.e., HMO licensing, environmental health, planning, building control, housing benefit, etc..
Occupant Participation
- Liaise, consult with, and actively advance occupants’ meetings, encouraging participation in decision-making processes that affect the running of the property.
- Encourage and assist occupant participation, consultation and ensure they play a part in the smooth running of the property.
Resident Support
We will provide the following Care, Support or Supervision to the Licensee whilst residing at the property:
Life Skills
- General counselling and support.
- Providing life skills training to the Licensee in maintaining the property and curtilage in an appropriate condition.
- Assisting the Licensee with shopping and errands.
- Advising and supervising the Licensee on the use of domestic equipment and appliances.
- Advising or assisting the Licensee in dealing with relationships and disputes with neighbours.
Managing a Licence
- Assisting with the security of the Dwelling because of the needs of the Licensee.
- Assisting with maintaining the safety of the Dwelling because of the needs of the Licensee.
- Advising and supervising the Licensee on the use of their own domestic equipment and appliances.
- Assisting with arranging minor repairs to, and servicing of, the Licensee’s own domestic equipment and appliances.
- Providing and maintaining emergency alarm and call systems in relation to the provision of care, support or supervision to the Licensee.
- Responding to emergency alarm calls, where such calls relate to the provision of care, support or supervision to the Licensee.
- Advising or assisting the Licensee in dealing with benefit claims and other official correspondence relevant to sustaining occupancy of the Dwelling.
- Other support that enables the Licensee to live independently and to fulfil their potential in the community.
Managing Money
- Advising or assisting the Licensee with personal budgeting and debt counselling.
Managing Activity
- Assisting the Licensee to engage with individuals, professionals and other bodies with an interest in the welfare of the Licensee.
Wellbeing: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Health
- Arranging adaptations to enable the Licensee to cope with disability.
- Cleaning of Licensee’s bedroom.
- Physical; Emotional; Mental and Spiritual Health.
Social and Family Networks
- Controlling access to the Licensees Dwelling.
- Encouraging social intercourse and undertaking welfare checks on the Licensee
- Arranging social events for the Licensee
- Advising or assisting with the resettlement of the Licensee enabling move on into sustainable independent living.